MARCO FARINA IT Expert (+39)339.112.44.13 farinamar@hotmail.it
SILVIA FARINA Customer Service Viale Cesare Pavese, 61 00144 ROMA (+39)329.221.76.68 farinasilvia@tiscali.it
D.ssa ALESSANDRA FARINA Legal Consultant Viale Cesare Pavese, 61 00144 ROMA (+39)339.788.61.06 alexfarina@inwind.it
BFC Elettronica p.s.c.r.l Planning and realization of electronic apparatuses for the industrial automation Via Cartagine 45/47 - 90135 - PALERMO (+39)091 6734693 (+39)091 6734693 info@bfcelettronica.it www.bfcelettronica.it
TECHNICAL REFERRER BFC Ing. LUCIANO FARINA Software and Hardware Developer of MicroChip-based Automatic Systems bfcfari@inwind.it